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Publicaciones 2018-2023




  • (111) Pajač Živković I, Čirjak D, Hojsak L, Suazo MJ, Benitez HA, Lemic D. 2024. Assessing Cultivar-Specific Susceptibility and Morphological Adaptations of Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Olive Orchards. Journal of Insect Science. (In Press).

  • (110) Hernandez-Martelo J, Contador T, Kim S, Salina C, Maturana CS, Suazo M, Convey P, Benítez HA. 2024. Uncharted Territory: The Arrival of Psychoda albipennis (Zetterstedt, 1850) (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Maritime Antarctica. Frontiers in Insect Science. (In Press)

  • (109) Orrego FS, Benítez HA, Castillo MI, Cumplido N, Fabres A, Figueroa-Gonzalez Y, Morales C, Zavala-Muñoz F, Landaeta M. 2024. Morphospace of lanternfish larvae and their interplay with oceanographic conditions from the southeastern Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Research Part I 214, 104413.

  • (108)  Lee S-Y  Kim JH, Kang S, Park KC, Cho SM, Salinas C, Rebolledo L, Benítez HA, Contador-Mejías T, Soutullo A, Juri E, Kim S. 2024. Detection of human enteric viral genes in a non-native winter crane fly, Trichocera maculipennis (Diptera) in the sewage treatment facilities in Antarctic stations. Parasite & Vectors. 17, 485.

  • (107) Benítez HA, Salinas C, Hernández J, Contador Mejías T, Kim S, Maturana CS, Rebolledo L, Pérez LM, Câmara PEA, Alves-Ferreira V, Lobos I, Piñeiro A, Convey P. 2024. An outsider on the Antarctic Peninsula: a new record of the non-native moth Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Ecology & Evolution 14 (2), e10838.

  • (106) Moya F, Hernandez J, Suazo MJ, Saucede T, Brickle P, Poulin E, Benítez HA. 2024. Deciphering the Hearts: Geometric Morphometrics Reveals Shape Variation in Abatus Sea Urchins across Subantarctic and Antarctic Seas. Animals. 14(16), 2376

  • (105) Acuña-Valenzuela T, Hernández-Martelo J, Suazo M, Lobos IA, Piñeiro-González A, Villalobos-Leiva A, Cruz-Jofré F, Hernández-P R, Correa M, Benítez HA. 2024. Unveiling the Wing Shape Variation in Northern Altiplano Ecosystems: The Example of the Butterfly Phulia nymphula Using Geometric Morphometrics. Animals, 14(19), 2758.

  • (104) Rivera-Estay V, Córdova-Lepe F, Moreno-Gómez FN, Benitez H, Gutiérrez r. 2024. Exploring the effects of competition and predation on the success of biological invasion through mathematical modeling. Scientific Reports 14, 4416.

  • (103) Liang W, Nunes R, Leong JV, Carvalho APS, Müller CJ, Braby MF, Pequin O, Hoshizaki S, Morinaka S, Peggie D, Badon JA, Mohagan AB, Beaver E, Hsu Yu-F, Inayoshi Y, Monastyrskii A,  Vlasanek P, Toussaint E, Benítez HA, Kawahara AY, Pierce NE, Lohman DJ. 2024. To and fro in the archipelago: Repeated inter-island dispersal and New Guinea’s orogeny affect diversification of Delias, the world’s largest butterfly genus. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (In Press).

  • (102) Contador T, Maturana CS, Gañan M, Rendoll J, Troncoso-Villar M, Madriz I, Kennedy J, Convey P, Krzemińska E, Kim S, Lobos I, Piñeiro A, Hernandez J, Benítez HA. 2024. When ice and sea are not barriers for flies: First report of Trichocera maculipennis (Diptera) in South America. Insect Conservation and Diversity (In Press:

  • (101) Correa M, Gutierrez-Jara J, Vogt-Geisse K, Benítez HA, Pérez LM, Fleisch A, Malausa T, Queguiner L, Rodriguez S, Ris N, Kreiter P. 2024 Better alone than in bad company? Modelling the intra-guild predation in the biological control of Pseudococcus viburni. Journal of Pest Science (Accepted)

  • (100) Benítez HA, Muñoz-Ramírez CA, Correa M, Acuña-Rodríguez I, Villalobos-Leiva A, Contador T, Velásquez NA, Suazo MJ. 2024. Breaking the law: Is it correct to use the converse Bergmann rule in Ceroglossus chilensis? An overview using geometric morphometrics. Insects, 15, 97.

  • (99) Alvial IA, Benítez HA, Hernández-P R, Suazo MJ, González C, Véliz D. 2024. Unravelling biotypes of the northern house mosquito Culex pipiens s.s. (Diptera: Culicidae): molecular differentiation and morphometrics. Journal of Insect Science. 24(1), 7.

  • (98) Gomez-Hernandez A, Cordova F, Benitez HA, Bravo M, Velásquez NA. 2024. Eco-epidemiological predator-prey models: a  review of models in ordinary differential equations. Ecological Complexity 57 101071 1-7.

  • (97) Páez-Collao F, Figueroa-González Y, Plaza G, Benítez HA, Landaeta MF. 2024. Fast shape changes prior to settlement for a temperate cryptobenthic fish: an approach using geometric morphometrics and otoliths. Hydrobiologia 851: 527-539.


  • (96) Costa, J., Torres, L., Paschoaletto, L., Pimenta, A.L.A., Benítez, H.A., Suazo, M.J., Reigada, C. and Gil-Santana, H.R., 2023. Unraveling the Sexual Dimorphism of First Instar Nymphs of the Giant Stick Insect, Cladomorphus phyllinus Gray, 1835, from the Atlantic Forest, Brazil. Animals, 13(22), p.3474.

  • (95) Lemic D, Viric Gasparic H, Majcenic P, Pajač Živković I, Bjeliš M, Suazo MJ, Correa M, Hernández J, Benítez HA. 2023. Wing Shape Variation between Terrestrial and Coastal Populations of the Invasive Box Tree Moth, Cydalima perspectalis, in Croatia. Animals. 28;13(19):3044.

  • (94) Kawahara Akito, Caroline Storer , Ana Carvalho , Dr David Plotkin , Fabien Condamine , Mariana Braga , Emily Ellis , Ryan St Laurent , Xuankun Li , Vijay Barve , Liming Cai , Chandra Earl , Paul Frandsen ,Hannah Owens ,Wendy Montoya , Kwaku Aduse-Poku ,Emmanuel F.A. Toussaint , Kelly Dexter , Tenzing Doleck , Amanda Markee , Rebeccah Messcher , Y-Lan Nguyen ,Jade Aster Badon ,Hugo A. Benítez , et al.  2023. A comprehensive phylogeny of butterflies reveals their ancestral hostplant and biogeographic origin. Nature Ecology & Evolution doi: 10.1038/s41559-023-02041-9.

  • (93) Hernández-Diaz YQ, Solís F, Beltrán-López RQ, Benítez HA, Díaz-Jaimes P, Paulay G. 2023. Integrative species delimitation in the common ophiuroid Ophiotrix angulata (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea): insights from COI, ITS2, arm coloration, and geometric morphometrics. PeerJ 11, e15655.

  • (92) Caceres JSD, Grossi PC, Pérez L, Benítez HA. 2023. Defining generic limits in Syndesini MacLeay, 1819 (Coleoptera: Lucanidae: Syndesinae) through Taxonomy and Geometric Morphometrics. Zoologischer Anzeiger 305: 28-41

  • (91) Hernández-P R., Benítez HA, Ornelas-García CP, Correa M, Suazo MJ, Piñero D. 2023. Bergmann’s Rule under Rocks: Testing the Influence of Latitude and Temperature on a Chiton from Mexican Marine Ecoregions.  Biology, 12, 766. doi: 10.3390/biology12060766

  • (90) Escobar-Suárez S. Villalobos-Leiva A., Fabres A., Órdenes R, Cruz-Jofré F., Laroze D,Correa M., Valladares MA.,Cáceres JSD, & Benítez HA. 2023. A geometric morphometrics and genetics characterization of Vanessa carye in an extreme elevational gradient in the Chilean Altiplano. Zoologischer Anzeiger 304: 105-112.

  • (89) Contador Mejias T, Gañan M, Rendoll-Cárcamo J, Maturana CS, Benítez HA, Kennedy J, Rozzi R, Convey P. 2023. A polar insect’s tale: observations on the life cycle of Parochlus steinenii, the only winged midge native to Antarctica. Ecology, 104(3), e3964 DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3964.

  • (88) Hernandez J, Correa M, Hernandez-P,R, Bermudez A, Quintana-Canabal A, Laroze D, Benitez HA, 2023. Phenotypic Stock Evaluation of Plagioscion magdalenae (Steindachner, 1878): A Species in the Dique Channel in Colombia. Fishes 8(4), 173.

  • (87) Ojanguren-Affilastro, AA, Benítez, HA, Iuri H, Mattoni CI, Alfaro FM, Pizarro-Araya J. 2023. Description of Bothriurus mistral n. sp., the highest-dwelling Bothriurus from the western Andes (Scorpiones, Bothriuridae), using multiple morphometric approaches. PLOS ONE 18(2), e0281336.

  • (86) Benitez HA, Sukhodolskaya RA, Avtaeva TA, Escobar-Suárez S, Órdenes-Claveria R, Laroze D, Hernández-P R, Vavilov DN. 2023. Quantifying elevational effect on the geometric body shape of Russian beetle Carabus exaratus (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger. 302, 30-36.

  • (85) Orrego FS, Hüne M, Benítez HA, Landaeta MF. 2023. Unraveling the morphological patterns of a subantarctic eelpout: a geometric morphometric approach. Integrative Zoology 18(2), 372-384


  • (84) Hernandez J, Villalobos-Leiva A, Bermudez A, Ahumada-C D, Suazo M, Correa M, Díaz A, Benítez HA. 2022. Ecomorphology and Morphological disparity of Caquetaia kraussii
    (Perciformes: Cichlidae) in Colombia. Animals.12(23), 3438.

  • (83) Kadoić Balaško. M, Bažok. R, Mikac. KM, Benítez, HA,  Correa. M Lemic. D. 2022. Assessing the Population Structure of Colorado Potato Beetle Populations in Croatia Using Genetic and Geometric Morphometric Tools. Agronomy 12(10).

  • (82) Villalobos-Leiva A, Ordenes-Clavería R, Cruz-Jofré F, Escobar-Suárez S, Lobos I, Benítez HA. 2022.The life history of Itylos titicaca (Weymer 1890) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Polyommatina) at 5200 m in the Chilean altiplano. Nota Lepidopterologica. In Press

  • (81) Barría EM, Benítez HA, Hernández CE. 2022. Evolvability in the cephalothoracic structural complexity of Aegla araucaniensis (Crustacea: Decapoda) determined by a developmental system with low covariational constraint. Biology 11(7) 1-13.

  • (80) Hernández J, Villalobos-Leiva A, Bermúdez A, Ahumada-C. D, Suazo MJ, Benítez HA. 2022. An overview of Interlocation Sexual Shape dimorphism in Caquetaia kraussi (Perciformes: Cichlidae) A geometric morphometric approach. Fishes 7(4) 1-12.

  • (79) Benítez, H.A.; Püschel, T.A.; Suazo, M.J. 2022. Drosophila Wing Integration and Modularity: A Multi-Level Approach to Understand the History of Morphological Structures. Biology, 11, 56

  • (78) Álvarez-Varas R, Medrano C, Benítez HA, Guerrero F, Leon Miranda F, Vianna J, González C, Véliz D. 2022. Genetics, morphometrics and health characterization of green turtle foraging grounds in mainland and insular Chile. Animals (In Press).

  • (77) Kadoić Balaško M, Bažok R, Mikac KM, Benítez HA, Suazo MJ, ‪Gomes Viana JP, Lemic D, Pajač Živković I . 2022. Population Genetic Structure and Geometric Morphology of Codling Moth Populations from Different Management Systems. Agronomy 12, 1278.

  • (76) Torres L, Benítez HA, Costa J. 2022. Longevity, fertility, and average eggs viability of Parthenogenetic females of Cladomorphus phyllinus Gray (Phasmatodea- Phasmatidae). EntomoBrasilis, 15. (In Press).

  • (75) Paschoaletto L, Dale C, Lima-Neiva V, Carbajal-de-la-Fuente AL, de Oliveira J, Benítez HA, Costa J. 2022. Morphological Stasis in Time? A Triatoma brasiliensis brasiliensis study using geometric morphometrics in the Long Run. Animals 12, 1362.

  • (74) Arriagada JI, Benítez HA, Toro F, Suazo MJ, Abarca P, Canto J, Vilina YA, Cruz-Jofré F. 2022. Insularity and Aridity as Drivers of Mandibular Disparity in Thylamys elegans (Waterhouse, 1839) from Populations of the Atacama Desert, Chile. Animals 12(9) 10.3390/ani12091179  

  • (73) Vilaseca C, Pinto C, Ordenes-Claveria R, Laroze D, Méndez MA, Benítez HA. 2022. Insect Fluctuating Asymmetry: An example in Bolivian peri-domestic populations of Triatoma infestans (Klug, 1834) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae). Symmetry 14(3):526.


  • (72) Lemic D, Pajač Živković I, Šuliček M, Benítez HA. 2021. Exploratory analysis of the invasive forms’ variability in the Asian lady beetle Harmonia axyridis (Pallas 1773). Animals. 11(8), 2436.

  • (71) Lemic, D., Bjeliš, M., Ninčević, P., Živković, I.P., Popović, L., Gašparić, H.V., Benitez, H.A., 2021. Medfly Phenotypic Plasticity as A Prerequisite for Invasiveness and Adaptation. Sustainability 13, 12510.

  • (70) Kadoić Balaško M, Mikac KM, Benitez HA, Bažok R, Lemic D. 2021. Genetic and morphological approach for western corn rootworm resistance management. Agriculture 11(7), 585.


  • (69) Alvarez-Varas, R; Rojas-Hernández, N; Heidemeyer, M; Riginos, C; Benítez, HA; Araya-Donoso, R; Resendiz, E; Lara-Uc, M; Godoy, D; Muñoz, JP; Alarcon-Ruales, D; Alfaro-Shigueto, J; Ortiz-Alvarez, C; Mangel, J; Vianna, J; Veliz, D. 2021. Green, yellow or black? Genetic differentiation and adaptation signatures in a highly migratory marine turtle. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. (In Press).

  • (68) Benítez HA. Sukhodolskaya RA, Órdenes-Claveria R. Vavilov DN, Ananina T. 2021. Assessing the shape plasticity between Russian biotopes in Pterostichus dilutipes (Motschulsky, 1844) (Coleoptera: Carabidae) a geometric morphometric approach. Zoologischer Anzeiger 293:163-167.

  • (67) Nuñez-Vallecillo M, Rivera A, Górski K, Brante A, Benítez HA. 2021. Ecomorphological analyses reveal stock structure of two commercially important fish species (Lutjanus synagris and Haemulon plumierii) in the Caribbean. Fisheries Research. 234, 105812.

  • (66) Vilaseca C, Méndez MA, Pinto CF, Lemic D, Benítez HA. 2021. Unraveling the Morphological Variation of Triatoma infestans in the Peridomestic Habitats of Chuquisaca Bolivia: A Geometric Morphometric Approach. Insects 12(2), 185.

  • (65) Alvares-Varas R. Heidemeyer, M, Riginos, C, Benítez, HA, Reséndiz, E, Lara-Uc, M, Godoy, D, Muñoz-Pérez, J, Alarcón-Ruales, D, Vélez-Rubio, G, Fallabrino, A, Piovano, S, Alfaro-Shigueto, J, Ortiz-Álvarez, C, Mangel, J, Esquerre, D, Zárate, P, Medrano, C, Vianna, J, Veliz, D. 2021. Integrating morphological and genetic data at different spatial scales in a cosmopolitan marine turtle species: challenges for management and conservation. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 191 (2), 434-453.


  • (64) Ivanković Tatalović L, Anđelić B, Jelić M, Kos T, Benítez HA, Šerić Jelaska L. 2020. Fluctuating asymmetry as a method of assessing environmental stress in two predatory carabid species within Mediterranean agroecosystems. Symmetry. 12 (11), 1890

  • (63) Benítez HA, Lemic D,-Villalobos-Leiva A, Bažok R, Órdenes-Claveria R, Pajač Živković I, Mikac K. 2020. Breaking Symmetry: Fluctuating Asymmetry and Geometric Morphometrics as tools for evaluating developmental instability under diverse agroecosystems. Symmetry 12 (11), 1789.

  • (62) Lemic D, Benítez HA, Bjeliš M, Órdenes-Claveria R, Ninčević P, Mikac KM, Pajač Živković I. 2020. Agroecological effect and sexual shape dimorphism in medfly Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) an example in Croatian populations. Zoologischer Anzeiger 288:118-124

  • (61) Benítez HA, Sukhodolskaya R, Órdenes-Clavería R, Avtaeva TA, Kushalieva SA, Saveliev S. 2020. Measuring the Inter and Intraspecific sexual shape dimorphism and body shape variation in generalist ground beetles in Russia . Insect 11(6), 361.

  • (60) (Review) Villalobos-Leiva A. & Benítez HA. 2020. Morfometría geométrica y sus nuevas aplicaciones en ecología y biología evolutiva. Parte 2. International Journal of Morphology. 38 (6).

  • (59) Espinoza-Donoso, S. Angulo-Bedoya, M. Lemic D. Benítez HA. 2020. Assessing the influence of allometry on sexual and non-sexual traits: an example in Cicindelidia trifasciata (Coleoptera: Cicindelinae) using geometric morphometrics. Zoologischer Anzeiger 287: 61-66

  • (58) Vilaseca C, Méndez MA, Pinto CF, Benítez HA. 2020. Assessment of patterns of geometric shape variation in Triatoma infestans Hemiptera: Reduviidae: A first report in populations from Bolivia. Insects  11(5), 274.

  • (57) Echeverry, AM., Londoño-Cruz, E, Benítez HA. 2020. Quantifying the Geometric Shell Shape between Populations of True Limpets Lottia Mesoleuca (Mollusca: Lottidae) in Colombia. Animals, 10, 67.

  • (56) Albarrán-Mélzer NC,  Rangel Ruiz LJ, Benítez HA & Lagos ME. 2020. Can temperature shift morphological changes of invasive species? A morphometric approach on the shell of two tropical freshwater snail species. Hydrobiologia. 847:151–160. 


  • (55) Niveyro S, Benítez HA. 2019. Interspecific larvae competence and mandible shape disparity in cutworm pest complex (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger. 283: 207-2012.

  • (54) Alvarez-Varas R, Véliz D, Vélez-Rubio GM, Fallabrino A, Zarate P, Heidemeyer M, Godoy DA, Benítez HA. 2019. Identifying genetic lineages through shape: An example in a cosmopolitan marine turtle species using geometric morphometrics. PLOS ONE, 1-17; 14(10): e0223587.

  • (53) Pajač Živković I, Benítez HA, Barić B, Drmić Z, Kadoić Balaško M, Lemic M *, Dominguez JH, Mikac K, Bažok R. 2019. Codling moth wing morphology changes due to insecticide resistance. Insects.

  • (52) Benítez HA, Villalobos-Leiva A, Ordenes R, Cruz-Jofre F. 2019 Elevational Record of Vanessa carye (Hübner 1812) (Lepidoptera Nymphalidae) in the northern Chilean Altiplano Highlands. Nota Lepidopterologica. 42(2): 157-162.

  • (51) Molina-Mercader G, Angulo AO, Olivares TS, Sanfuentes E, Castillo-Salazar M, Rojas E, Toro-Nuñez O, Benítez HA, Hasbún R. 2019. Ophelimus migdanorum Molina - Mercader sp. nov. (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae): Application of Integrative Taxonomy for disentangling a polyphenism case in Eucalyptus globulus Labill Forest in Chile. Forest. 10(9): 720.

  • (50) Angulo-Bedoya M, Correa S, Benítez HA. 2019. Unveiling the cryptic morphology and ontogeny of the Colombian Caiman crocodilus: a geometric morphometric approach. Zoomorphology. 138(3): 387–397

  • (49) Pereira-da-Conceicoa L., Benítez HA, Barber-James H. 2019. Disentangling wing shape evolution in African mayfly, Teloganodidae (Ephemeroptera). Zoologischer Anzeiger. 280: 30-41.

  • (48) Mikac K. Lemic D. Benítez HA. Bazok R. 2019. Changes in corn rootworm wing morphology are related to resistance development. Journal of Pest Science. 1-9.

  • (47) Jambrošić Vladić ZJ, Benítez HA, Pirnat A, Hristovski S, Seric Jelaska J. 2018. Variations in body shape of mountain habitat specialist Carabus croaticus and its sister species Carabus caelatus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) populations across Dinaric Alps. Zoomorphology ) 1-12. 



  • (46) Mrganić M, Bažok R, Mikac K, Benítez HA, Lemic D. 2018. Two Decades of Invasive Western Corn Rootworm Population Monitoring in Croatia. Insects 9(4), 160.

  • (45) Juache A. Ordenes R. & Benítez HA. 2018. Quantifying the shape variation of the elytra in Patagonian populations of the ground beetle Ceroglossus chilensis (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger 274: 123-136.

  • (44) Benítez HA, Lemic D, Püschel TA, Virić-Gašparić H, Kos T, Barić B, Bažok R, Pajač-Živković I. 2018. Fluctuating asymmetry indicates levels of disturbance between agricultural productions: An example in Croatian population of Pterostichus melas melas (Coleptera: Carabidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger 276: 42-46.

  • (43) Parra L. Alvear C., Benítez HA. 2018. Parasynneuria anae Parra Gen. et sp nov. (Geometridae) and distributional wing shape variation. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 72(3):233-240.

  • (42) Pajač Zivković I, Lemic D, Mešić A, Barić B, Ordenes R, Benítez HA. 2018. Fruit host influence on wing morphology in Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae): a first view using geometric morphometrics. Entomological Research 48: 262-268.

  • (41) Vargas-Ortiz M, Vargas HA & Benítez HA. 2018. Seasonal variation and sexual shape dimorphism in wings of the Neotropical hairstreak Strymon davara (Lycaenidae, Theclinae, Eumaeini). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 72(1):81-86. 

  • (40) Parra LE & Benitez HA. 2018. Taxonomic value of the Metafurcasternum in Geometridae: A morphological comparison approach. Interciencia. 43(3): 202-207. 

Publicaciones 2008-2017


  • (39) Pieterse W, Benítez HA, Addison P. 2017. The use of geometric morphometric analysis to illustrate the shape change induced by different fruit hosts on the wing shape of Bactrocera dorsalis and Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger - A Journal of Comparative Zoology 269: 110-116.(PDF)

  • (38) Lunardi R, Benítez HA, Câmaraa TP, Gomes LP, Arrais-Silva W. 2017. Head shape variation in response to diet in Triatoma williami (Hemiptera, Reduviidae: Triatominae), a possible Chagas disease vector of legal Amazônia. Zoologischer Anzeiger - A Journal of Comparative Zoology. 267(3): 187-193.(PDF)

  • (37) Benítez HA, & Vargas HA. 2017. Sexual dimorphism and population differentiation in the Chilean Neotropical moth Macaria mirthae (Lepidoptera, Geometridae): a wing geometric morphometric example. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 61(4): 365-369




  • (36) Mikac KM, Lemic D, Bažok R, Benítez HA. 2016. Wing shape changes: a morphological view of the Diabrotica virgifera virgifera European invasion. Biological Invasion 18(12): 3401–3407. DOI: 10.1007/s10530-016-1252-9.

  • (35) Lemic D, Benítez HA, Püschel T, Virić Gašparić H, Šatvar M, Bažok R. 2016. Ecological morphology of the sugar beet weevil Croatian populations: evaluating the role of environmental conditions on body shape. Zoologischer Anzeiger 260(1): 25–32. 

  • (34) Lemic D, Mikac KM, Kozina A, Benítez HA, Bazok R. 2015. Monitoring techniques of the western corn rootworm are the precursor to effective IPM strategies. Pest Management Science 72(2) 405-417. DOI: 10.1002/ps.4072.



  • (33a) Benítez HA., Vargas H, & Püschel TA. 2015 Left-Right Asymmetry and morphological consequences of a host shift in the oligophagous Neotropical moth Macaria mirthae (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). Journal of Insect Conservation 19(3): 589-598.
    (33b) Erratum to: Left–right asymmetry and morphological consequences of a host shift in the oligophagous Neotropical moth Macaria mirthae (Lepidoptera: Geometridae)  19(3): 599. 

  • (32) Zúñiga-Reinoso A, Benitez HA. 2015. The overrated use of the morphological cryptic species concept: An example with Nyctelia darkbeetles (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) using geometric morphometrics. Zoologischer Anzeiger - a Journal of Comparative Zoology 255:47-53.

  • (31) Schmieder  DA., Benítez HA., Borissov IM & Fruciano C. 2015. Bat Species Comparisons Based on External Morphology: A Test of Traditional versus Geometric Morphometric Approaches. PLOS ONE, 10.1371/journal.pone.0127043.



  • (30) Püschel T, Espejo J, Sanzana MJ  & Benítez HA. 2014. Analysing the floral elements of the lost tree of Easter Island: A morphometric comparison between the remaining ex-situ lines of the endemic extinct species Sophora toromiro. PLOS ONE; DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0115548.

  • (29) Benítez HA, Püschel T, Lemic D, Čačija M, Kozina A, Bažok R. 2014. Ecomorphological variation of the wireworm cephalic capsule: Studying the interaction of environment and geometric shape. PLOS ONE. Jul 8;9(7):e102059. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0102059.

  • (28) Benítez HA, Lemic D, Püschel T, Bravi R, Buketa M, Bažok R. 2014. Morphological Integration and Modularity in Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) hind wings. Zoologischer Anzeiger - A journal of comparative Zoology 253(6): 461-468.

  • (27) Benitez HA, Lemic D, Bažok R, Gallardo-Araya C, Mikac KM (2014) Evolutionary Directional Asymmetry and Shape Variation in Diabrotica v. virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae): an example using hind wings. Biological Journal of Linnean Society 111(1): 110-118.

  • (26) Püschel T. & Benítez HA. 2014. Femoral Functional Adaptation: a comparison between Hunter-Gatherers and Agriculturalists using Geometric Morphometrics. International Journal of Morphology 32(2): 627-63.

  • (25) Storey-Palma, J., Benítez, HA, Mundaca, EA & Vargas HA. 2014. Egg laying site selection by a host plant specialist leaf miner moth at two intra-plant levels in the northern Chilean Atacama Desert. Revista Brasileira de Entomología. 58(3): 280-284.

  • (24) Benitez HA. 2014. Is the Fever for High Impact a Disadvantage for Systematists. Neotropical Entomology DOI 10.1007/s13744-014-0217-x  Editorial Letter 

  • (23) Lemic D, Benítez HA, Bažok R. 2014. Intercontinental effect on sexual shape dimorphism and allometric relationshisps in the beetle pest Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger 253(3): 203–206.

  • (22) Benítez HA, Püschel T. 2014. Modelando la varianza de la forma: Morfometría geométrica aplicaciones en Biología Evolutiva. International Journal of Morphology. 32(3):998-1008. 

  • (21) Benítez HA, Pizarro-Araya J, Bravi R, Sanzana MJ, Alfaro F (2014). Morphological variation on isolated populations of Praocis (Praocis) spinolai Gay & Solier, 1840 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) Journal of Insect Science 14(11): 1-12.

  • (20) Vergara O, Benítez HA, Pincheira M, Jerez V. 2014. Determinación del dimorfismo sexual en la forma corporal de Chiasognathus grantii (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). Revista Colombiana de Entomologia. 40(1): 104-10.



  • (19) Sanzana MJ, Parra LE, Sepulveda E, Benítez HA. 2013. Latitudinal gradient effect on the wing geometry in Auca coctei Guérin (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia. 57(4): 411-416; doi: 10.1590/S0085-56262013005000045

  • (18) Benitez HA, Bravi R, Parra LE, Sanzana MJ, Sepúlveda-Zúñiga E. 2013. Allometric and non-allometric pattern in sexual dimorphism discrimination of wing shape in the parasitoid, Ophion intricatum: do two male morphotypes coexist? Journal of Insect Science 13: 143. 1-10

  • (17) Briones RC, Jerez V, Benítez HA. 2013. Vertical Diversity of Beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) Associated with Lithraea caustica (Anacardiaceae) in Patches of Sclerophyllous Forest in Central Chile. Journal of the Entomological Research Society. 15(3): 41-52.

  • (16) Benitez HA, Avaria-Llautureo J, Canales-Aguirre CB, Jerez V, Parra L, Hernandez CE. 2013 Evolution of sexual size dimorphism and its relationship with sex ratio in carabid beetles of Genus Ceroglossus Solier. Current Zoology 59(6): 769-777.

  • (15) Vargas HA, Benítez HA. 2013. Egg phenology of a host-specialist butterfly in the western slopes of the northern Chilean Andes. Neotropical Entomology DOI 10.1007/s13744-013-0170-0.

  • (16) Bravi R & Benítez HA. 2013. Left-Right asymmetries and shape analysis on Ceroglossus chilensis (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Acta Oecologica 52: 57-62.

  • (13) Benitez HA., Sanzana MJ., Jerez V., Parra L., Hernández CE. & Canales-Aguirre CB. 2013. Sexual shape and size dimorphism in carabid beetles of the Genus Ceroglossus. Is the geometric body size similar between sexes due to sex ratio? Zoological Science 30(4): 289-295 doi: 10.2108/zsj.30.289-

  • (12) Benitez HA. 2013. Assessment of patterns of fluctuating asymmetry and sexual dimorphism in carabid body shape. Neotropical Entomology 42(2): 164-169.

  • (11) Benitez HA. 2013, Sexual dimorphism using geometric morphometric approach. In Moriyama H. Sexual Dimorphism ISBN 980-953-307-175-1 Intech. Rijeka, Croatia.

  • (10) Alarcón ME., Huang C-G., Dubey AK. & Benitez HA. 2013. A gregarine from the gut of cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis (Bouché) (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) in Taiwan: dynamic of infection patterns. Veterinary Parasitology 192 (1-3) 51-56. 




  • (9) Benítez HA & Parra LE. 2012. Asimetría Fluctuante: Una herramienta morfo-funcional para medir estabilidad del desarrollo. International Journal of Morphology. 29(4).

  • (8) Sanzana MJ, Parra LE, Benítez HA & Espejo J. 2012. Entomofauna Polinizadora de Eucalyptus nitens en los Huertos Semilleros de la Hacienda Rucamanqui, Huépil, Región del Biobío, Chile Central. Bosque 33(1).

  • (7) Sepulveda E, Parra LE, Benítez H, & Rojas C. 2012 Estados de naturalidad y heterogeneidad vegetacional de humedales palustres y su efecto sobre la diversidad de macrolepidópteros. SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología 40:158 - 155-170.

  • (6) Storey-Palma J., Benitez HA., Parra LE., Vargas HA.  2012. Identification of sap-feeder instars in Angelabella tecomae Vargas & Parra (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) on Tecoma fulva fulva (Bignoniaceae).  Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 56(4): 508-510



  • (5) Benítez H. Briones R. & Jerez V 2011. Intra and Inter-population morphological variation of shape and size of Ceroglossus chilensis (Eschscholtz, 1829) in Chilean Patagonia.  Journal of Insect Science 11:98 1-9.

  • (4) Benítez H., Parra L. E, Sepulveda E & Sanzana MJ. 2011. Geometric perspectives of sexual dimorphism in the wing shape of Lepidoptera: the case of Synneuria sp. (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). Journal of the Entomological Research Society 13(1):53-60.



  • (3) Benítez H., M. Vidal, R. Briones & V. Jerez. 2010 Sexual Dimorphism and Morphological Variation in Populations of Ceroglossus chilensis (Eschscholtz, 1829) (Coleoptera: Carabidae) . Journal of the Entomological Research Society 12(2) 87-95.

  • (2) Benítez H, Jerez V & Briones R. 2010. Proporción sexual  y Morfometría  para dos poblaciones de Ceroglossus chilensis (eschscholtz, 1829) (Coleoptera: Carabidae) en la Región del Bio bío Chile. Revista Chilena de Entomología. 35 (1): 61-70.



  • (1) Benítez. H., R. Briones & V. Jerez. 2008. Asimetría Fluctuante en dos poblaciones de Ceroglossus chilensis (Coleoptera Carabidae) en el agroecosistema Pinus radiata, Región del BioBío. Gayana72(2): 131-139.


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